Richard Tyrrell Chair Telford Conservative Association Association OfficersParish CouncillorsBranch officersCouncil candidates
Cllr Rachael Tyrrell Telford Conservative Assocation Vice Chair Political Priorslee and St Georges Borough Councillor Priorslee and St Georges Parish Councillor Borough CouncillorsParish Councillors
Jack Hudson Deputy Chair Membership and Finance Association OfficersBorough Council CandidatesBranch officers
Cllr Joy Francis Ketley & Overdale Parish Council Telford Conservatives President Association OfficersParish Councillors
John Ashford Conservative Political Forum (CPF) Officer Association OfficersBranch officersCouncil candidates
Tom Wust Area Deputy Chairman (Political) for Shropshire & Herefordshire Communications Officer Association OfficersBorough Council CandidatesBranch officers
Cllr Nigel Dugmore Muxton Borough Councillor Telford Conservatives Executive Advisor Borough CouncillorsParish Councillors